Windy City Divers post 7 new high scores at GA Winter Invite.

7  new high scores were posted at the GA Winter Invite which was held on February 12 & 13 at Glenbrook North High School.

Congratualtions to …………..

  •  Zayne who had his highest score in the 9 & Under 3 meter event and now has the top spot in the WCD honor roll in his age group
  • Declan who dove in his first JO meet and posted the 3rd highest score for WCD in the 9 & Under 1 meter event
  • Kayla who improved her score by 25 points
  • Jeannie who dove in her first JO meet and is now in the top 10 on the WCD honor roll for 16-18 
  • Meghan who bested her previous score by almost 40 points and is now in the top 12 on the WCD honor roll for 16-18
  • Sean who bested his previous scores on 1 m by 10 points and 3 m by 60 points and now holds the #2 spot on the WCD honor roll in his age group.